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Posted Mon, 03 Jul 2023 09:07:00 GMT by
Last year I paid to my agency to help filing the tax return but this year they charged me higher so I decide to file tax return form by myself. I have checked the website but not sure the procedures, if I have UTR already and how to file the tax return ? My below understanding is correct ? - create Government Gateway account then fill in the form SA100 online ? - if yes, I have created the Gateway account but failed to provide the postal code the system asked and actually my agency told me the postal code they filled in but system said it is not correct postal code and locked my gateway account. I lived oversea and not very good at speaking English, writing and reading English is better for me so I try to write in this forum asking for help.
Posted Fri, 07 Jul 2023 13:10:44 GMT by HMRC Admin 5
Hi Mei Fong Lee,

Have a look at Technical support with HMRC online services
regarding your government gateway problem.  
If you intend to submit your tax return online, you will need to buy 3rd party commercial software.  
You buy the software, fill out their tax return and submit it.  You will need your government gateway id and password to do this.  
Alternatively, you can send a paper tax return.  SA100 (main tax return), SA105 (income from property) and SA109 (residence) please see Self Assessment tax return forms
Paper tax returns must be in HMRC possession before 31 October, to avoid penalties.

Thank you

Posted Tue, 04 Jun 2024 04:28:28 GMT by mukjizat chan
Hi there, I am a non-resident landlord, and have been sending in paper forms for tax return for several years. I have created my government gateway ID and password, but couldn’t go further as I don’t have NI number and postcode. In the previous tax year, I sent email to a 3rd party commercial software, their staff replied me that NI is needed to use their software. Is this really the case? I have my UTR number, NRL number, government gateway ID and password, may I know if this information is adequate and can be used to buy software for tax return? Thank you very much.
Posted Thu, 06 Jun 2024 10:12:32 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi mukjizat chan,
We cannot comment on the requirements of 3rd party software, as it is not suppoted by HMRC.
Thank you. 


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