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Posted Fri, 05 Jan 2024 15:46:31 GMT by KY Wong
Hi team, I have filed my self assessment for tax year 2022/23 and I am claiming remittance basis. I received some tax refund back in June 2023 for overpaid income tax. In my governemnt gatewary, it seems HMRC has not adjusted for the amount of tax refund, and has undercalculated my tax liablity. How should I tell HMRC about that? Thanks. Regards, 

Name removed admin . 
Posted Thu, 11 Jan 2024 14:10:06 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi KY Wong,
If the refund you received is for the 22/23 tax year, you show this on the return.
There is a section for you to declare refunds received already.
Please look for the question tax refunded or set off.
Thank you. 
Posted Thu, 11 Jan 2024 15:50:16 GMT by KY Wong
Hi Admin, Thanks for that. I have included that amount and submitted a new assessment, and now the figures are correct. A few days ago I have posted a letter to HMRC asking them to manually adjust my payment to reflect that refund. As now all figures are fine, how should I contact them to ask them to ignore my post? Thanks.
Posted Thu, 18 Jan 2024 12:25:19 GMT by HMRC Admin 20
Hi KY Wong,
When the letter is reviewed it will show the amendment has been made already so no action will be taken.
If you want to note your record to confirm letter can be disregarded you can contact HMRC
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you.

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