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Posted Sat, 17 Feb 2024 17:41:12 GMT by J Glalli
I have just received a letter from HMRC that I need to file a Self Assessment tax return online for the tax year 6 April 2021 to 5 April 2022. I cannot locate a link or an icon to direct me to complete a Self Assessment tax return on my Government Gateway account. There is only a statement under the tax year 2021/2022 that 'You paid the right amount of tax. HMRC has no record of you being employed in this tax year so there is nothing more to pay.' How can I complete the Self Assessment tax return for 6 April 2021 to 5 April 2022? May I have your advice please? Thanks
Posted Tue, 20 Feb 2024 15:46:14 GMT by HMRC Admin 8
If you are already a Self Assessment customer, you can add the ability to file your Self Assessment return to your Personal Tax Account here:
File your Self Assessment tax return online 
If you are not yet a Self Assessment customer,  there are additional links on this page that will help you register.
Thank you.
Posted Thu, 22 Feb 2024 17:13:44 GMT by J Glalli
Hi, Thanks for your reply. I guess I am not a Self Assessment customer as I file a tax return for the first time. Though, I have a UTR number as provided on the HMRC letter. According to the instructions given on 'File your Self Assessment tax return online', I have to register Self Assessment again. After that, I am able to access an online form 'Registering for Self Assessment and getting a tax return'. There is only a few things I am asked to complete. For example, Date untaxed income received from Directorship, Date income from land and property started, Date started receiving taxable foreign income, Date annual income from trust/settlement started, Date my annual income will exceed £100,000 etc. I received a letter from the HMRC asking me to complete a Self Assessment tax return for the tax year 6 April 2021 to 5 April 2022. I am wondering if the form 'Registering for Self Assessment and getting a tax return' is the right form I should complete. If I am not doing correctly for accessing the form, could you tell me again more specifically how can I access the Self Assessment tax return for the tax year 6 April 2021 to 5 April 2022. Your advice would be much appreciated. Many thanks.
Posted Mon, 26 Feb 2024 16:13:53 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

As you have a UTR and have been asked to complete a 2021 to 2022 Self Assessment tax return you do not need to register for a UTR.

You will need to enrol to file the Self Assessment online:

File your Self Assessment tax return online

You can also contact our online services team for assistance.

Technical support with HMRC online services

Thank you

Posted Wed, 12 Jun 2024 03:40:20 GMT by Adrey Low
Hi I'm a non UK Citizen and I live abroad. We owe a flat in Birmingham which we need to pay tax on. As a non citizen, I cannot file on-line which means I need to paper file. Unfortunately the SA100 cannot be downloaded which means I need the forms send to my address. I have recently moved which means I need to inform HMRC of the change in address. And because I don't have an online account I cannot change the address which brings me back to the same problem of not being able to get through to the helpline. This is hugely frustrating. Can you please advise on what I should do to get around the problem at hand?
Posted Mon, 17 Jun 2024 14:35:26 GMT by HMRC Admin 5
Hi Adrey

You can request your tax return by webchat, or in writing - just go to Self Assessment: general enquiries

Thank you

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