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    Hello I recently left Canada to return to the UK and am not currently drawing and income due to illness. I am 38years old. My understanding is there is a compulsory 25% withheld by Canada I have approx $150k in a Canadian RRSP and would like to understand how much tax I would pay in the Uk if any on this amount? The money may go straight into my pension or could go into my bank accounts. I’m looking for the most cost efficient way to do this… I believe I can get relief for any tax due in uk (so not dual taxed). I may return to work at some point but am currently off with a critical illness. Thanks
  • Canadian Paid but living in the UK

    I have a dilemma. I will Be moving to income protection insurance 50% of my salary for the next 12 months (paid by Canadian insurance company) on behalf of my IT employer, but will be in the UK as that’s where the best treatment for my condition is, and to Support withdrawal of drug meds Canadian drs put me on. Do I just pay my tax in Canada and call it a day, or do I have to declare something in the UK as I’ll go past 90 days. I will be fully taxed by Canada next year as the 50% starts mid December and I move back to the Uk in January. This could be a hybrid part time move but weighing up options and looking to understand more.