RE: April 2024 tax still not calculated?
I'm still waiting for mine to be calculated also. I'm owed a refund. HMRC is waiting for my bank to supply interest earnings for that tax year. I have contacted the bank asking them to update HMRC but they said that they don't contact HMRC and that I would have to inform them. The bank can only supply me with an interest certificate. The interest is only £2.60 Gross. Can I forward this interest certificate to HMRC so that they can reconcile my account? I'm currently stuck between HMRC and the bank telling me both conflicting information and I can't get it resolved. -
One of my Building Societies will not submit interest earnings for 23/24
Hello, HMRC is still waiting for my building society to submit interest earnings on my account for tax year 23/24. I have contacted the building society to ask them to submit the interest earnings but the customer service representative said that they can't. They can issue me a tax certificate for the earning on that tax year. Can I provide this certificate to HMRC so that they can reconcile my tax for that year? If so, how do I do this? Thanks.