HMRC Admin 18 Response
RE: Private Annuity Plan
If you receive a dividend, this would be taxable as a dividend, even if you re-invest it in the annuity.
Thank you.
RE: Capital Gains in Year and Carried forward
In year losses must be used first against any other capital gain even if that means you lose the annual exempt amount. Therefore in your example all the losses are used and there are no losses left to carry forward.
Thank you. -
RE: ISA Transfers and new ISAs
Yes but only if the transfer is done via the ISA provider - Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)
Thank you. -
RE: Netherlands DTT Income Tax
No. If there is no income from the property, there is nothing to tax in the UK, so no relief is available.
Thank you. -
RE: Taxation policy on tiktok online seller's
RE: First time buyer qualification
If you mean the affordable home scheme - Affordable home ownership schemes - then yes.
Thank you. -
RE: Certificate of Residence for tax purposes
This is the standard reply that is sent out when you apply for the certificate and is normally accepted. You will therefore need to send in a copy of the rejection letter you received for this to be escalated.
Thank you. -
RE: Marriage allowance transfer from my wife
If you are the recipient of the marriage allowance transfer then you do not enter anything on your Self Assessment tax return. Once submitted the systems will pick up the transfer and amend your Self Assessment calculation accordingly.
Thank you. -
RE: Can I claim back paid tax and pay into my new pension scheme?
If you have overpaid tax, you can claim a refund and pay the refund into your pension scheme.
Thank you. -
RE: HS340 - Loan tax relief mortgage additional borrowing
If you meet the conditions specified then yes. You may also want to refer to the HS204 that is mentioned:
Limit on Income Tax reliefs (Self Assessment helpsheet HS204)
Thank you.