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  • My first self assessment.....Help!

    Just completed my first self assessment tax return but not yet hit the 'submit' button (all because I'm now in receipt of a tiny Netherlands state pension). I think I've done ok , however when I viewed my calculation the 10% Married personal allowance from my wife's account was missing, leaving me only with the £12,570 standard personal allowance. Before self assessment I'd benefitted from the £1,260 extra allowance for the last few years. Am I dong something wrong?
  • Class 3 NI contributions , adjustment to state pension.

    I paid voluntary class 3 NI contributions in September 2023. Along with some credits for adult specified childcare this credited me with an extra 3 full years towards my state pension (I'm already in receipt of my pension). I received the 'automated receipt' for the money I'd paid by e-mail. I phoned DWP this morning for an update about my adjustment to my pension, and they asked if I'd had an actual letter from HMRC stating they'd received my payment, as they didn't seem to know anything about it! They said they'd look into it but suggested I also called HMRC. I think I gave up waiting on the phone. Would this take a long time? I did receive letters from HMRC stating I was successful with my extra 3 years credit claim. It all seems strange to me?
  • RE: Specified Adult Childcare Credits

    I've been granted childcare credits and now have a full year to add to my collection. I'm already in receipt of my state pension (obviously not a full one), Do I have to do anything now other than just wait for my pension to be adjusted? My letter from HMRC didn't really give much information other than my application was successful.