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Posted Wed, 10 May 2023 17:37:45 GMT by
I submitted a claim for adult childcare credits in October 2022 covering the tax year 2021/22. I keep getting the answer from the HMRC NI Helpline that there is a long delay (approx. 33 weeks) in determining these cases. I am getting concerned now as I am due to take my State Retirement Pension in July 2023. If this isn't sorted soon do I lose out on this tax year being included in my NI contributions?
Posted Wed, 17 May 2023 10:49:10 GMT by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Hi Alan,

If you reach state pension age before your application for Specified Adult Childcare credits, and you are subsequently awarded the credits, the payment will be backdated to the date you reach state pension age.

Thank you.
Posted Sat, 24 Jun 2023 16:05:30 GMT by
Similar query - I submitted a SAChildcare Credit claim covering Apr 21-Apr 22 in Oct ‘22, as instructed. Today, (June 23 ) I have been notified I have been awarded the credits for that period. I received my first state pension in June 22. I have therefore received slightly less pension to date than I felt I was entitled to, ie not the £815 per 4 weeks that is the full amount, due to my NI credit shortfall. Q Can I claim back payment of SP? Q Will they automatically do it, or should I make contact, if the latter who - the DWP? Grateful for some advice- thank you.
Posted Fri, 30 Jun 2023 07:23:38 GMT by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Hi Karen Howes,

If you have had notification from HMRC that we have granted the credits, are already in receipt of your pension and have not yet seen a change in your payments – you would need to speak to the DWP helpline on 0800 731 0469.

Thank you.
Posted Wed, 19 Jul 2023 15:01:45 GMT by
Hi I submitted an application for adult childcare credits for my wife in Oct 22 for 21/22 period. The application was sent back in Feb 23 as she omitted to sign it and it was returned the same day in Feb 23. As of July 19th 23 there is still no response. Does she need to submit another application as it seems to have gone missing

[Display name amended - Admin]
Posted Fri, 21 Jul 2023 06:13:33 GMT by
If it helps - I submitted my claim in early November ‘22 and only received notification that SACC had been awarded (for the period Apr 21-‘Apr 22 ) - in June ‘23. Neither my June or July pension payments reflected any increase. I contacted HMRC, was told to contact DWP. Finally got through ( select option ‘change of circs) this week to be told ‘it would be backdated’ but they didn’t take my details, just wanted me off the phone. I will chase again if nothing showing in August, it’s all a slow process and involves lots of holding on the phone unfortunately.
Posted Tue, 25 Jul 2023 09:06:54 GMT by HMRC Admin 8 Response
The timescale for your Specified Adult Childcare Credits application is currently 42 weeks.
All post is dealt with in datal order and you will receive a response once your application has been processed.
Thank you.

Posted Mon, 07 Aug 2023 15:54:39 GMT by
I posted my first application forms in November 2022 - nothing. Sent another set, by recorded delivery in April 2023. Took two weeks to get confirmation of receipt. However, I had confirmation of an award in July - 12 weeks! But how long will it take for my state pension to be credited with the back payment?
Posted Fri, 11 Aug 2023 08:30:46 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Nanny8,
HMRC cannot advise on your State Pension entitlement.
If you are already in receipt of your State Pension you will need to contact the Pension Service part of the Department for Works and Pensions.
If you are not in receipt of your State Pension and the 12 weeks award improved the number of years that count towards your State Pension you can request a New State Pension forecast online at:
Check your State Pension forecast- GOV.UK (
Thank you. 
Posted Wed, 30 Aug 2023 16:07:33 GMT by Pancho99! alderton
I've been granted childcare credits and now have a full year to add to my collection. I'm already in receipt of my state pension (obviously not a full one), Do I have to do anything now other than just wait for my pension to be adjusted? My letter from HMRC didn't really give much information other than my application was successful.
Posted Fri, 01 Sep 2023 13:57:51 GMT by Lesley Cooke
Can you apply for two years on one application or do you have to do a separate application for each tax year? Thank you
Posted Fri, 01 Sep 2023 14:20:31 GMT by StanStan Stev
My granddaughter was born on 27 June 2023 and when my daughter returns to work in January 2024 I will start to take care of my granddaughter. In the tax year 23/24 this means I care for just part of the year 27 January 2024 to 5 April 2024. Will the credits that transfer to me from my daughter in that tax year be sufficient to qualify that year as a full year for the purposes of my state pension or will the credits transferred be insufficient leaving me to pay for any outstanding balance for that year.
Posted Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:20:09 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response
Hi Pancho99! alderton,

HMRC are unable to give any advice on pension entitlement. Therefore the letter we sent would have simply confirmed whether or not you had been awarded NI credits. HMRC do not know if the awarding of credits will increase your pension entitlement.

Your NI record will have been updated to show these credits on the day that the letter was issued. If we make a change to a NI record where a benefit claim, such as pension or ESA, has been made, an electronic update is sent to the DWP to advise there has been a change to the NI record. It is then down to the DWP to act on this information and establish if a recalculation of any benefit currently in payment is needed.  

HMRC cannot say how quickly the DWP will act on this information, however if the credits were awarded more than 8 weeks ago, we would suggest you contact the Pension Services on and ask them to review your claim.

Contact the Pension Service

Thank you.

Posted Mon, 11 Sep 2023 13:05:16 GMT by Welsh Lady
Hi, I applied for NI childcare credits on 19/08/23 by signed and recorded delivery. Please can you tell me if I will receive notification of my application? I understand that process will take a few months but I’m concerned to know if my application has arrived safely and that the process has been started. I don’t want to be waiting for months only to find that my application has possibly been mislaid. Many thanks
Posted Mon, 11 Sep 2023 14:50:06 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response
Hi StanStan Stev,

To apply to transfer the National Insurance credits from your daughter to your National Insurance account please complete and return our form CA9176 ‘Application for Specified Adult Childcare credits’ which you can find here: 

Apply for Specified Adult Childcare credits

If credits are awarded for part of the tax year then this will not enable the tax year to count for pension purposes unless there are contributions or other credits recorded.

Thank you.
Posted Tue, 12 Sep 2023 08:10:19 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response
Hi Elizabeth Custance,

To apply for Specified Adult Childcare credits please complete and return our form CA9176 ‘Application for Specified Adult Childcare Credits’

Apply for Specified Adult Childcare credits

There is space on the application form to apply for a number of previous tax years on one application.

Thank you.
Posted Tue, 12 Sep 2023 11:23:55 GMT by HMRC Admin 10 Response
Hi Welsh Lady 
The Team that deal with Specified Adult Childcare Credits are currently dealing with queries received in May 2022 so there will be a delay before they process your application.
However, you may wish to contact the HMRC National Insurance Helpline to check that your application has been received correctly – their telephone number is 0300 200 3835.

Posted Wed, 13 Sep 2023 15:29:08 GMT by Welsh Lady
Thank you for your prompt reply. I rang the number you gave me and was then given this number 03453003900, after waiting for nearly 45 mins it was eventually answered. The lady confirmed that my application had been received but that the wait time was 66 weeks! Which is quite a difference between the answer I received from you. As I need to top up my pension it’s important to find out if I have been successful in my application as that will reduce the amount I need to pay. Please can you confirm the up to date waiting time please? Many thanks
Posted Wed, 20 Sep 2023 13:26:20 GMT by
Hi HMRC. I applied for NI specified adult Childcare credits in March 2023. I applied for two periods 2020-2021 (which I had part paid contributions for a few months) and 2021-2022 with none. I phoned NI in May 2023 and was advised my application was in order and due to be processed by end of September 2023. I recently received a HMRC letter stating I am entitled to Childcare credits for period 2021-2022. My online NI contributions confirmed this but there was no mention of Period 2020-2021 which still showed as part paid contributions online. Does this mean period of 2020-2021 is still to be processed and I will receive a seperate later in the next few weeks or could it have it been missed out? Many Thanks
Posted Wed, 20 Sep 2023 13:32:04 GMT by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Hi Welsh Lady,

We have checked the timescales for the Team that deal with Specified Adult Childcare Credits and can advise that they are dealing with queries received in May 2022.  
So, unfortunately, there will be a delay until you receive a reply from them.
Thank you.

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