RE: Pension NT code - amount limits or time limits
My question must not have been clear as the response does not address my question. I already have the NT code. Against this pension income source on my HMRC portal, I can see an annual income. I told the tax technician this amount when I was expediting my NT code. Instead of taking income over time, I now plan to do a single large lump sum drawdown of the full pension. This number is of course much larger than the annual income equivalent. What is the purpose of this pension annual amount that is visible on the HMRC portal? Ie if I now take the single lump sum, does this portal amount block the transaction? Or is the amount there just so tax payers can see a theoretical annual tax? -
RE: Pension NT code - amount limits or time limits
I see from the answer above that once a person receives the NT code, there is no limit to the amount of pension that can be withdrawn in one go. (Of course assuming the basis of receiving the NT remains valid). When I obtained my NT code and HMRC asked what my expected annual income from this pension would be, I disclosed an amount I planned at the time to withdraw annually. I can see this amount stated on the HMRC portal in relation to this pension’s annual income. However, I now intend to withdraw the total pension this tax year in a couple of drawdowns amounting to several million pounds (significantly greater than the initially disclosed annual income). Will this cause any problems? Should I be notifying HMRC of this new significantly higher value? Basically what is the relevance of this annual income disclosed on the portal for my pension? -
Enhanced Lump Sum Allowance: Notification of relevant overseas individual
I am currently non-resident and have been for the last 20 years. Now that I have turned 55, I will be drawing down an uncrystallised funds pension lump sum (“UFPLS”) from my UK pension provider this June (2024). I believe that this will be considered a “benefit crystallization event”. On the basis of this event, I believe I can complete Form APSS202 (to notify an enhancement to the lump sum allowance on the basis of being a relevant overseas individual). Can you confirm that my understanding is correct? Thank you -
RE: Additional Form DT-Individual needed for tax refund on subsequent taxed pension drawdowns
Thank you for the response. So even if the pension drawdown is from the same pension provider - details completed in Section C.2 of the already submitted Form DT Individual - I will still have to submit a new form? I only ask as the form itself states under Part D "UK Income Tax taken off payments already received": "Do not include in Part D any pension or annuity from which UK tax has been taken off under Pay As You earn (PAYE). HMRC will arrange any refund due taken off under PAYE". I inferred from this statement that, once the Form DT individual in relation to this pension provider has been successfully processed, that I would automatically receive a refund of tax already deducted under PAYE from the payments from the pension provider. Is my understanding incorrect? -
Additional Form DT-Individual needed for tax refund on subsequent taxed pension drawdowns
I am tax resident in the United Arab Emirates and have recently started making pension drawdowns from my UK pension. After the first drawdown (which was taxed under the emergency code), I submitted a Form DT-Individual to apply for an NT code and also to claim a refund of the tax deducted under PAYE (based on the UAE-UK Tax Treaty). I will now make another drawdown, which will also be taxed under the emergency code (as my Form DT-Individual is still being processed by HMRC). My question is: Do I need to submit an additional DT-Individual Form to claim a refund of the tax on this later pension drawdown, or will it be covered by the DT-Individual Form already submitted? Thanks -
Notification of NT Code
I have just received my first pension payment on which emergency tax has been deducted. As I live in the UAE and can take advantage of the UK-UAE tax treaty in order for pension payments not to be taxed in the UK, I will be submitting a form DT individual to reclaim the tax and also to apply for an NT code. My question is: Once the NT code as been approved by HMRC, does HMRC: 1) Notify me in writing? or 2) Only notifies the pension provider so that they can apply the NT code on future payments? Thanks -
DT Individual Form - Soft or Hard Copy TRC
I will be submitting a DT Individual Form to apply for an NT code. I will submit a tax residency certificate (“TRC”) along with the form. I am currently living in the UAE and the UAE federal tax authorities (“FTA”) issues a soft copy TRC. This certificate is electronically certified without stamp and signature from the FTA and can be verified using the QR code. Is it enough to send a print out of this soft copy TRC with the DT Individual Form or do I need to send a hard copy issued by the UAE FTA? Thanks -
Pension Lump Sum and Claiming Tax Refunds for Non-Residents
I am tax resident in the UAE (and have been for many years) and will be drawing down my full UK pension as a lump sum. I know tax will be withheld and I will need to claim a tax refund (6 digits) under the UAE-UK Tax Treaty. Can you clarify the following: 1) Can I request the tax refund through the DT Form Individual or will I be required to complete a self-assessment (I have no other UK income)? 2) As the amount of the tax refund is rather large I expect there will be additional scrutiny before it is refunded. Could you please clarify what is likely to be required from me in terms of documentation/evidence? 3) Approx how many months would a refund typically take for a large amount once the form is submitted?