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  • RE: De-registering for self-assessment

    Hi, noted thank you. When it comes to the time where I do unregister, how do I do this / notify HMRC. Is there a link I follow?
  • De-registering for self-assessment

    For HMRC, I am a NRL (Non-resident landlord) my only income is from a property that I have put out on rent in 2024/5 (current tax year.) However, from November I will stop receiving rental income from this. I will still carry out a self assessment for the income gained in the few months I received rental income. I believe this will take me slightly over the personal allowance threshold. 1. Do I tell HMRC in November that I am no longer getting income from this and request to freeze / de register self assessment in November or do I leave it and pay any applicable tax as normal when completing a self assessment and then de-register? 2. If the above is incorrect. How and when do I de-register for self assessment tax?
  • Income tax - returning non UK resident

    Hi, I plan to work abroad for a period of 2 years. During this time I will not be classed as a UK resident. I am already studying abroad and am not a UK resident this tax year. I plan to start work in October 2024 and return to the UK permanently and get a job in October 2025. The country I plan to work in has no income tax. Based on the fact that I plan to return to the UK and get a full time job in October 2025, I will paying income tax and NI on on my earnings, will I be expected to pay tax on the earnings I made abroad from April 6 2025 to September 2025 as I am assuming I will become a tax resident for that year as I will return in October and start working again? Or will the earnings be tax free as they were made abroad at the time of me being a non UK resident?
  • Self assessment for NRL (non-resident landlord)

    Hi seeking some assistance please. I left employment and the UK at the end of August 2023 to pursue religious studies in Rome. I have one property which I placed on rent and have been receiving rental for via an agent since August 2023. I applied for a NRL exemption a few weeks ago and received a self assessment UTR number to fill a self-assessment out. I have no postal address in the UK so I have not received any more information. 1. Is this self-assessment for the tax year that just ended (23/24) as it says I have till January 2025 to submit? 2. I have not been making any profit on my monthly income recieved. I have been making a small loss. Will I still be expected to pay tax? 3. I don’t have a P60 for the tax year that ended as I in August. I was however issued with a P45. Will this suffice instead of the P60? 4. Is there anything else I need to be aware of or declare as an NRL?