HMRC Admin 8 Response
Re:UK Resident as a director of a company in Hong Kong
You must register an overseas company with Companies House if you want to set up a place of business in the UK.
You must register if you set up a place of business in the UK or if you usually carry out business from somewhere in the UK.
More information on how to register can be found here:
Register as an overseas company
and information on how to file accounts here:
File accounts in the UK as an overseas company
Thank you. -
Re:Oversea limit company
You must register an overseas company with Companies House if you want to set up a place of business in the UK.
You must register if you set up a place of business in the UK or if you usually carry out business from somewhere in the UK.
More information on how to register can be found here:
Register as an overseas company
and information on how to file accounts here:
File accounts in the UK as an overseas companyThank you.
Re:new team member cannot see companies PAYE etc
Please contact our Online Services Helpdesk on 0300 200 3600. They will be able to assist with your online enquiry.
Thank you. -
Re:How to correctly enter US dividends in online tax return?
The witholoding tax can only be given as a credit in respect of any UK tax that would be due on the income.
HMRC cannot refund any foreign tax deducted:
Tax on foreign income
Thank you -
Re: Remittances basis and tax filing
We cannot advise you which basis to use as being non domiciled you have the option to choose.
If you choose the remittance basis you will report any foreign income that you remit to the UK on the SA106. further guidance is at:
Remittance basis 2023 (HS264)
Thank you. -
Re:Unemployed self assessment for saving interest tax
If you receive more than £10000 in a tax year, you meet the criteria to complete a self assessment tax return:
Check if you need to send a Self Assessment tax return
Thank you. -
Re:Missing previous employer
If details are missing he should contact our Income Tax department before claiming any repayment which may be incorrect.
Income Tax: general enquiries
Thank you -
Re:Coming back to the UK
You should keep a note of them for future reference.
If you come back to the UK you can contact us online or by telephone to update your address:
Income Tax: general enquiries
hank you. -
Re: Bank repayment pending still
If you have not received a response, if you contact us by webchat we can check the current timescales:
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you. -
Re:Income from a Canadian R.R.I F
The guidance at DT4617, advises that 'Where a UK resident makes a lump sum withdrawal from an Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or an Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF),
Canada imposes a 25 per cent withholding tax:
Double Taxation Relief Manual
No tax credit relief is allowable, which means that the full lumpsum is taxable in both Canada and the UK.
You can, however, claim a foreign tax credit relief of up to 100% of the foreign tax deducted, against your Uk tax liability.
Thank you.