HMRC Admin 8 Response
Re:Pension payments
Yes, you tick this box and it then opens up other boxes for you to show the income (dont declare it under state pension.
Thank you -
Your government pension is not taxable in the UK and does not need to be reported to HMRC.
Article 18, relates to government pensions derived from government employment in Hong Kong, for services rendered in Hong Kong.
Where this criteria is met, the pension is only taxable in Hong Kong.
Article 10(1) of the double taxation agreement (DTA) advises that dividends paid by a Hong Kong resident company to an individual resisdent in the UK, is only taxable in the UK.
Article 11 of the DTA advises the interest of an individual arising in HK and paid to a UK resident is taxable only in the UK
The fact that you have foreign income that is taxable in the UK, is self assessment criteria, regardless of the amount, so you will need to complete a tax return.
Check if you need to send a Self Assessment tax return
Thank you. -
Re:Inheritance on gift from abroad
That is correct.
Thank you. -
Re:Self-Assessment Income tax return
If the interest is earned in the UK then no.
If it is foreign interest, yes a tax return is required.
Thank you. -
Re:Self-employed set up advice
Re:Self assessment Return - loss in sale of share be offset against saving interest?
You need to complete a tax return due to the level of savings interest you receive.
The loss you made on the sale of the share is a capital loss and can only be set against any future capital gains.
Thank you. -
Re:Exchange of assets on divorce, jointly owned transferred to single ownership, CGT payable?
Unfortuately, we cannot answer this question, merely provide guidance, to allow you to determine whether capital gains tax is due or not.
There is no capital gains tax liability arising from the transfer of assets between spouses and civil partners, however, when separation or divorce is involed, that may not be the case.
Please have a look at:
HS281 Capital Gains Tax civil partners and spouses (2023)
and apply it to the your circumstances at the time of the transfer of the assets. -
Re: Offshore fund investment
Re: Fixed rate ISA query
You will need to decide which one to keep and which one to close. HMRC will contact you in due course as only 1 can be tax free.
Thank you. -
Re:VAT refund delay
Ifyou call the helpline and request they escalate this for you they will be able to check if any correspondence has been issued 03002003700.
Thank you.