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Posted Wed, 24 Jul 2024 10:38:57 GMT by Giuliana Maieli
Dear HMRC, I am an Italian citizen with the settlement status; I left the UK last year. Checking my NIN contribution i can see that I have 5 years of contribution some of them with no full contribution. I am happy to fill the gap (paying the amount needed) to have the full contribution for those 5 years. However, if I understand correctly to claims the state pension I would need at least 10 years of full contribution. I would like to understand if living and working abroad (within the EEA) will contribute to reach the 10 years minimum contribution (5 years NIN contribution + 5 years working abroad) to be eligible for the state pension. Many thanks 
Posted Mon, 29 Jul 2024 09:52:42 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response

There are certain conditions to be able to pay voluntary National Insurance that will depend on your own individual circumstances. There is a minimum 10 years of contributions needed for the lower State Pension. You will need to discuss your options with the International Pensions Centre at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). DWP will be able to advise you on any pensions tax years for another country’s permissions, if any are permitted.

International Pension Centre

In addition to top up the UK tax years to make them full qualifying years where you are short, you do also have the option of possibly contributing to the UK State Pension once you leave the UK by the application form CF83, please also discuss this with DWP first.
Apply to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions when abroad (CF83):

Apply to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions when abroad (CF83)

Thnak you.

Posted Mon, 29 Jul 2024 16:11:07 GMT by Gary C
If the person is returning to Italy, then the rules on the coordination of social security systems continue to apply and years contributed in other countries can be added to UK years (and vice-versa) to get past that 10-year requirement.
Posted Sat, 10 Aug 2024 12:39:11 GMT by flora
hi, like the first post above my wife who is spanish worked in the uk for 6 yrs in the 90s and paid ni in uk .if she started to work in in spain does this mean any spanish ni payments she makes can be transferred to the uk to make up 10 yrears or more if she wishes to do so or is it the other way round the uk ni payments go to spain.thanks
Posted Mon, 12 Aug 2024 13:08:54 GMT by Gary C
She could consider paying voluntary UK NI for some or all of the years that are currently still available, This could significantly increase her UK state pension. The EU rules on coordination of social security system apply in relation to all signatory countries, including Spain. Is a person ends up with a contribution record in more than one country, in the can the UK and Spain, each country will consider whether they pay a pension at the appropriate age. Years worked in Spain that do not overlap with year on a UK NI record are aggregated to see if that gets you past the required 10 years. A pension would then be paid based on the actual number of UK years. Spain will do the same calculations from its perspective and applying its rules, so you could end up with 2 pensions, despite not working long enough in either country...
Posted Fri, 16 Aug 2024 09:46:54 GMT by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Hi flora,
Your wife may wish to speak with The Pension Service Future Pension Centre on 0800 731 0175 (from the UK) or +44 218 3600 (from overseas) and they will be able to discuss her current and future entitlement to a UK State Pension and if any contributions paid in an EU country may help.
She may wish to obtain a State Pension Forecast which she can obtain via:  Check your State Pension forecast
Thank you.
Posted Tue, 11 Feb 2025 21:06:00 GMT by jeevakv72 Varghese
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