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Posted Mon, 08 Apr 2024 09:13:47 GMT by Cabos
I am an overseas landlord and just found that the paper form of SA100 is not available for downloading from the HMRC website starting from this year. May I know the reasons behind of such decision which caused inconvenience for non-resident landlords like me?
Posted Wed, 10 Apr 2024 12:34:39 GMT by Lynn Parker
I’m in the same dilemma. I called the phone number yesterday got a rude person answer after. 30 minutes on hold. Only to be told they don’t have the form in their system yet. She then hung up. Now I’m worried I won’t get the form sent back I. Time before they start sending fines for being late.
Posted Fri, 12 Apr 2024 12:19:58 GMT by oldwelshman1961
I am also in same situation and tried calling and was on hold or going ion circles for 3 hours, 4 calls were dropped due to technical issue. Even if they send it I will not receive it due to Thai post being rubbish and HMRC will not send via registered mail. I fail to understand why we cannot do SA online, I now have £1600 in fines including late payment and this is from 2021/2 even though I sent appeal via registered mail. I don't even pay bloody tax but I have to do SA due to letting a flat out.
Posted Fri, 12 Apr 2024 16:37:24 GMT by dhj58
Although a whole list of people can't file online with the HMRC system, it can be achieved using commercial software. I only looked at this recently because I assumed that it would be expensive software licences to be used by advisers, but found that some of that on offer allows you to file where you need to use forms not supported by HMRC's online system. The one I selected and used to file a retun today cost less than £20 for the year.
Posted Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:48:37 GMT by Cabos
But still nobody here from HMRC explain why deliberately cause inconvenience to landlords who are unable to file online, especially those overseas landlords. Or it's a promotion for commercial softwares?
Posted Wed, 17 Apr 2024 12:09:42 GMT by HMRC Admin 32
Hi Cabos,

HMRC is keen to encourage digital tax return submissions over paper submissions. If you have a government gateway user ID and password or are able to verify your identity to obtain one; you can buy a commercial tax return and submit it online.  
For those, who are not able to do this or choose not to do this, a paper tax return can be ordered using the link below.

Self Assessment: forms ordering

Thank you.
Posted Fri, 19 Apr 2024 08:43:27 GMT by oldwelshman1961
@HMRC, this does not address the issue of the fact you will not send them registered email, and in some countries, Like Thailand for example, I never receive them so then get a fine!! 1) Why can we not fill online if abroad, when if UK resident you can fill online? 2) Why is it impossible to speak to anyone on phone and have to listen to recorded message saying advice is available online, then after 5 minutes on international call listening to this to either then get cut off or on hold 30 minutes then get cut off? I would not be trying to call if the info I needed was online. Its impossible to speak to anyone about a late payment fine.
Posted Tue, 23 Apr 2024 10:36:36 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Cabos,
This has been determined by legislation.
Thank you.
Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:03:25 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi oldwelshman1961,
1. Legislation has dictated this
2. You can contact us via webchat:
Self Assessment tax returns
And click on digital assistant.
Thank you. 

Posted Thu, 20 Jun 2024 04:36:43 GMT by Mandy
I am a oversea landlord, I received a letter from HMRC yesterday (19 June 2024) dated 6 April 2024 reminding me to file Self Tax Assessment form. After research, I can file the said Form SA110 by 3 methods. 1. online (which I cannot because I cannot make an account without a NI number..) 2. commercial softwares (i have tried, but they need a Gateway account, which the same problem with 1, I cannot have one..) The last one is 3. by post But I cannot download the form SA110 online, and requested to call HMRC for a paper form... I would like to ask.. Is the form will send to me by post? If yes, am I receive it 2.5 months later? I afraid I cannot receive it before deadline to file... Any other method I can do?
Posted Tue, 25 Jun 2024 11:34:47 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

If you are unable to file 2023 to 2024 Self Assessment  return online then the options are to file using 3rd party commercial software:

Self Assessment commercial software suppliers

Or you can contact us to issue the paper tax return:

Self Assessment: forms ordering

Thank you.

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