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Posted 3 years ago by Timeout
I paid 4 years voluntary NI contributions on 2nd March 2022 by bank transfer to improve my Pension Forecast. The gaps in my NI record have not been updated yet. How long should I wait before calling to see what is happening?
Posted 3 years ago by ouDAN
I also paid voluntary contributions earlier this year, in my case in February. There were 2 items in the progress tracker regarding those payments. Both have disappeared. There are still gaps in my record. I'm also curious how long to wait. I've seen comments elsewhere that it can take 30 weeks before the contributions are applied. Is that still the case?
Posted 3 years ago by HMRC Admin 10 Response
Hi Timeout
The current turnaround for payments needing a manual allocation is 39 weeks.

Customer can call the NI helpline if they wish to get confirmation of receipt and the advisor they speak to should be able to allocate the payment during the call.
Posted 3 years ago by Timeout
Thank you for the information the reply is much appreciated.
Posted 3 years ago by Timeout
UPDATE - Just called the HMRC as advised by NI Helpline and payment has been received. It was only a 20 minute wait which is shorter than it takes to get through to my GP. It will be allocated to my Pension account today I am told,
Posted 3 years ago by HMRC Admin 2 Response
Hi ouDAN,

Voluntary contributions should be posted within the normal six weeks timescale noted in the guidance.

We are not aware of any delays so would suggest you contact the National Insurance team to check your payments.

National Insurance: general enquiries

Thank you.
Posted 3 years ago by ouDAN
Payments were allocated to my pension record a few days ago, so within 3 months or so. Not within 6 weeks, but a lot quicker than the 39 weeks mentioned above.
Posted 3 years ago by
I paid three years voluntary NI contributions on 27th Jan 2022, it took 21 weeks for it to be updated on my records. So as discussed more than six weeks that is quoted by HMRC admin. In my experience phone calls are taking 40 minutes to be answered but couldn't be more helpful when you do get through.
Posted 2 years ago by
I paid my voluntary contributions for three years of shortfalls on 03/10/2022 and has not yet been updated on my far more than three months ago.
Posted 2 years ago by
I paid 3 years voluntary NI contributions in January 2022 by bank transfer to improve my Pension Forecast. More than a year later, my records have not been updated. Called NI helpline today, 0300 200 3500, waited 1 hour 22 minutes. A very helpful rep explained why it was not allocated: You need to call NI helpline and tell them for which year(s) you're going to make a voluntary contribution and they will give you a reference number to be used for the payment. I find this very backwards especially the time I had to wait to get through on the NI helpline.
Posted 2 years ago by Marilyn Summers
Its 8 weeks now since I paid my voluntary NI contributions. I followed the correct process and received a reference number and was told it would take 6 weeks but may take longer because I am female Why is it not showing
Posted 2 years ago by Katvik Katona
I am just wondering how many years of shortfall in NI contributions one can make. I reside abroad for many years now. I read it somewhere the max is 6 years. On the other hand when I check my Class 3 NICs shortfall in my NI record it shows 8 years shortfall, with the note "you can make up the shortfall", specifying how much I need to pay and by when. So, is this possible to cover shortfalls of more than 6 years back?
Posted 2 years ago by
Katvik, Typically you can only pay for the past 6 years. So not 6 years in total, but the gaps that appeared in the last 6 years. My understanding is that there is a new law coming in from 2023. Because of this new law/system coming in (called the new state pension), you can make up for any gaps from 2012. You will have to make up for the gaps by the end of this tax year though. (2023 April). So that is why you can now make up for gaps longer than the last 6 years.
Posted 2 years ago by HMRC Admin 2 Response

When you reside abroad, you need to complete an application form (CF83) to apply to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions. This form can be found on the GOV.UK website by searching for NI38 which is a leaflet providing further information about paying voluntary National Insurance contributions abroad, the CF83 is at the back of the leaflet. 

We can consider payment of voluntary National Insurance contributions as far back as 2006 to 2007 tax year but your application form would need to be received by us before 5 April 2023 to be considered that far back. If we receive the application form after 6 April 2023 we can consider payment of voluntary National Insurance contributions from 2017 to 2018 onwards.

Once we have received the application, then we would check if you were eligible to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions and we would issue a shortfall of years available to pay. We cant confirm how much this would be but current voluntary rates are £3.15 per week at the class 2 rate and £15.85 per week at the class 3 rate.

Guidance on social security abroad: NI38

Thank you.
Posted 2 years ago by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Hi Marilyn Summers,

These payments need to be  manually applied to the NI record. 
Due to the approaching deadline for the payment of NICs on a voluntary basis for years prior to 2016-17 we are receiving an extremely high volume of payments.  The area that deal with the allocations are currently working on payments received on  20/09/22.
If you call the NI Helpline, the advisor you speak to will be able to confirm receipt of your payment and allocate it for you.  
The number is 0300 200 3500 (Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays).

Thank you.
Posted 2 years ago by Darren K
I wish to catch up with as many missing years contributions as possible since migrated to Australia in 2002 and at various periods have been either employed by Australian companies or self-employed since 2002. I understand I can do this via form CF83. I understand processing of forms is taking some time. It seems HMRC cannot tell me the exact amount to pay to fill the shortfall until I have a response to my form CF83 submission. Because of a relatively complex (and somewhat old, dating back to 2002) employment history overseas means that form processing and hence payment of shortfall might take some time. Can you please confirm that so-long as form CF83 is submitted to the best of my efforts and knowledge before the 5 April 2023 and that I have registration of HMRC receipt (eg via recorded delivery) then any subsequent clarification of information, and any subsequent payment even if after 5th April 2023 will not affect my entitlement to pay for this shortfall? Can you also please advise if you are an agent authorised to give me this information. Thanks Example of complexities: 1. I know the date I left the UK to the nearest 2 days 2. I don't have exact knowledge of the last NI contribution because my UK employer in 2002 looked after this, and I do not have access to the payslips 3. My multiple periods of employment and self-employment overseas might be inaccurate by a week or so. 4. My old UK employer now no longer exists 5. My Australian employer is part of a greater global organisation, which also has a UK companies (of which I am not employed). 6. I wish to make annual payments plus catch up with any shortfall
Posted 2 years ago by HMRC Admin 10 Response
Hi Darren K
Thank you for your question.
You will be able to pay shortfall going back to 2006-2007 as long as your CF83 application is received prior to 5 April 2023 deadline.
We refer to this as the time does not run provision:
This applies to the period between the customer asking a question and being given an answer.
This means that the time taken to produce an answer is ignored.
I would advise that you read the NI38 and complete the application form as soon as you can and send it to the ICW caseworkers.
Both NI38 and CF83 can be found on website.
Posted 2 years ago by
Hi HMRC Admin I am looking to pay addition NI contributions for 2006 to 2016. Can I confirm that in order to do this HMRC just needs to have received my completed CF83 prior to the 5th April 2023. Also there is no place on the form to indicate payments for passed years - is there any guidance on where this should be included. Many thanks
Posted 2 years ago by
Also to check if payment for 2006 - 2016 contributions should be sent with the completed CF83 form.
Posted 2 years ago by HMRC Admin 10 Response
I can confirm that if you live abroad or you are requesting to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions for a period when you were living abroad, you will need to complete the CF83 application form (found on GOV.UK website by searching for leaflet NI38).
The application form will need to be received by HMRC by 05/04/2023, for tax years 2006-2007 to 2016-2017 to be considered with your application.
To indicate on the form that you would like to pay for past years, please tick yes in part 7 (question 25).
If you need to provide further information about past years, or any additional information, please enclose a covering letter with your application.
Please do not send payments for any years with your application.
You will need to wait until you have received a response to your application accepting your request to pay Voluntary National Insurance contributions before making any payments to HMRC.


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