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Posted 12 months ago by Brett Anderson
Back in January, I had a self assessment report put through for a refund of nearly £4000, and on setting up to review myself, sent a request for this to be credited to me directly back on 29th February as this had not been completed before. I've tried on a number of occasions to get an update regarding this as the information provided informed me that it would be 2 weeks from the first refund request back on 23rd January, then to wait until 23rd March for a response, and just now on checking it tells me to wait until 7th April, because they are checking requests from 3rd of March - several days AFTER my last request. I have tried multiple times to speak to and advisor over the phone, and my attempts to use the online chat have either failed due to an error with the bot, or I was told I was speaking to someone who handled technical issues with the site despite requesting to speak to someone specifically regarding refunds. Can somebody please give some insight as to what is happening, when I should expect at least some form of communication, or even a confirmation that my request was received outside a reference number that doesn't seem to have anywhere to check it against?
Posted 12 months ago by Brett Anderson
Update - Spent over an hour on hold waiting to speak to an advisor just for a robot to tell me there's nobody available and just hang up. How on earth am I supposed to get any information when every avenue is simply shut down?
Posted 11 months ago by HMRC Admin 5 Response

If you have still not received the repayment then you will need to contact HMRC to review this for you Self Assessment: general enquiries

Thank you
Posted 11 months ago by HMRC Admin 5 Response
Hi Brett Anderson

I am sorry you were unable to speak to an adviser. There can also be the option to webchat.
When you go to the link Contact HMRC on the contact page there will be a link Ask HMRC online to webchat. 

Thank you
Posted 11 months ago by jackjosh9
I really feel for you with the frustration of dealing with obtaining a repayment- I have been waiting since April last year - contacted for update and given its security checks and not allowed to contact until a certain date - waited nothing happened then contacted again and told with security checks wait until May before contacting them again - said I am not happy- told raise a complaint which I did - response we can not intervene with security checks so I have to wait until May before contact again it’s a tier 1 and raise complaint to tier 2 if not happy - what are we supposed to do this is a disgrace- I have now submitted self assessment for the new tax year and owed again an amount of money and that’s showing payment pending I am really struggling to think of a way out here - no contact given with new date when you have online chat and nothing happens- I am just totally lost and frustrated- good luck with issue

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