HMRC Admin 5 Response
RE: Transferring personal money to UK
Hi Justin Somerville-Cotton
Please forward the forms mentioned (with a brief covering letter confirming your UTR and National Insurance number) to the following address:
Pay As You Earn and Self Assessment
HM Revenue and Customs
United Kingdom
On receipt, we will sign, date and stamp the forms before returning them to you.
Thank you -
RE: disposal of bonus shares
As the majority of your income is foreign income, a tax return is still required. For the Shares, please refer to Shares and Capital Gains Tax (Self Assessment helpsheet HS284)
Thank you -
RE: Split year treatment
Hello SacsainÉireannach
You will still get the full personal allowance of £12570 if applicable to claim. Your pay will be assessed on the actual income received in the UK.
Thank you -
RE: Transferring personal money to UK
Hi T Khan
Income arising in a tax year that you are not resident in the UK, woud not be taxable in the UK, even if it was transferred to the UK in a later tax year.
Only income both foreign and domestic, arising in a tax year that you are resident in the UK would be taxable in the UK.
For example if your foreign income from 2021/22 is in your bank account and you were not UK resident in that tax year and you bring it to the UK in 2023/24, it is savings and not income, so would not be taxable in the UK.
Thank you
RE: Transferring personal money to UK
Hi Lancslass,
As a UK resident, it is only foreign income and capital gains arising the tax year, that would be taxable.
If you were still a US resident when you withdrew the funds, they would not be taxable in the UK and there would be no tax from transferring the money to the UK.
Thank you