HMRC Admin 5 Response
RE: Maximum foreign tax credit relief for interest
Under the terms of the double taxation treaty, tax relief is restricted to 15%
Thank you -
RE: P11D tax on Health Benefit starting in February 2024
Once the P11D is submitted by your employer, a calculation will be issued and any tax due will be collected in your tax code.
Thank you -
RE: Digital Asset or Intellectual property
Hi AdviceRequired
HMRC cannot comment on any situation until after the fact as we might not be in possession of all of the facts and also cannot provide financial advice.
However, we can advise that because of developments in technology and the way in which intellectual property (IP) is dealt with in commercial transactions, it is an area where HMRC views are developing.
The list of IPRs dealt with in the guidance below is not exhaustive and will be of help to you in making an informed decision.
CG68000P - Capital Gains Manual: Businesses: Goodwill and intellectual property rights: Goodwill and intellectual property rights: contents onwards.
Thank you -
RE: Does same-day sale of vesting RSUs count towards total proceeds and trigger reporting?
Your employer should include the vested shares on your P60, so that you can declare the vesting in your self assessment tax return.
You would also complete the foreign section, to claim a foreign tax credit for any US tax decucted.
Sometimes, the amount vested is not include on a P60, where this is the case, you include the amount in the box for tips and other income not included on P60.
Thank you -
RE: Tax on interest on long term fixed rate bond
Hi Taxpayer63
Interest is taxable in the tax year in which it arises. Accounts where the capital and interest cannot be accessed until maturity, are only taxable in the tax year, when the account matures.
If the account can be accessed at any time, then interst is taxable in the tax year it arises.
Thank you -
RE: Affliate Marketing
Hi Mohamad
This would appear to be self employment (sole trading). If it is, you will need to register for self assessment as self employed at Set up as self-employed (a 'sole trader'): step by step.
This will ensure that your are set up for self assessment and for collection of national insurance, where your profits exceed the NIC thresholds.
Thank you -
RE: CGT on selling property abroad - reporting deadlines
Hi Trev S.
As long as you were not tax resident in the UK in the tax year in which you disposed of your NZ assets, there will be no capital gains tax liability.
There will be no tax implications for you bringing in capital to the UK.
Thank you
RE: Non-resident self-employed doing some work in the UK
RE: CGT allowance on second property sale
RE: Tax on SIPP pension for my 13 year olds inheritance
The lump sum would appear to be from a trust. You will need to submit a self assessment tax return for your son, declaring the payment in the trust section SA107.
Self assessment will gross up the the lumpsum and work out how much tax your son is required to pay. It will credit the 45% deducted, allowing a refund of the difference. Check how to register for Self Assessment.
Thank you