HMRC Admin 5 Response
RE: CGT on shares sold as part of an Estate
Hi Glenne Nelson
Please have a look at Capital Gains Tax rates and allowances, for the "annual exempt amount for other trustees".
If the gain arising from the disposals in for the whole tax year is covered by the annual exempt allowance, then there is no tax to pay.
If there is no tax to pay, there is nothing to declare for capital gains purposes.
Thank you -
RE: Trading allowance and VAT
Hi Jon
No. You cannot take deductions off the profit before declaring on your tax return.
The guidance notes advise box 15: " Turnover is the total amount earned (traditional accounting basis) or received (cash basis) by your business before taking off any expenses." (SA103F Notes 2024).
Thank you -
RE: Declaring inheritance
Hi Eliza James
Yes that is correct. -
RE: NS&I interest
Hi Graham Roberts
You need to ask your account provider to supply this.
Thank you -
RE: Bare Trust taxation
Hi Clive
This would need to be confirmed by the Trust office. They can be contacted on 0300 123 1072.
Thank you -
RE: Deduction of Tax from interest payments
RE: Cash basis
It will be 24/25. -
RE: Bought a new computer
RE: US/UK tax treaty - section 17 4 Annuities
Per the DTA, - Any annuity derived and beneficially owned by an individual (“the annuitant”) who is a resident of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in that State.
The term ""annuity"" as used in this paragraph means a stated sum paid periodically at stated times during the life of the annuitant, or during a specified or ascertainable period of time, under an obligation to make the payments in return for adequate and full consideration (other than in return for services rendered).
As the US have deemed your payment not to meet this requirement, they have correctly taxed the payment.
RE: Ukrainian Income UK Tax
Hi Mykola
HMRC cannot cmment on future events as legislation may change.
Thank you