HMRC Admin 5 Response
RE: exchange rate for oversea income
Please refer to HMRC currency exchange average rates - GOV.UK (Trade Tariff: look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates)
Thank you
RE: Interest on savings in joint accounts
Hi Debra Coulson
As it is in joint names it will be 50/50. you can send in a declaration of trust signed by both of you to state that your father is the beneficial owener of 100% of the interest to
HMRC PAYE & Self Assessment
Thank you -
RE: Unable to declare capital gains tax as personal tax account being linked to business account
RE: Claiming Back Pay for Previous Tax Year
Yes this can be done and you will need to apply in writing. -
Send your P60 for the relevant year as soon as they receive it.
Confirm the total payment and the amounts applicable to each tax year it covers.
Provide copies of any documents the employer has given them in respect of the payment this should be sent to
HMRC PAYE & Self Assessment
Thank you -
RE: Rental Income less than 1000
1. as the gross income is below the trading allowance, no.
2. yes you still include it for this as it is still taxable income - Personal Allowances: adjusted net income
Thank you -
RE: Section 690 and double taxation
Yes you can apply for full relief - Double Taxation: Treaty Relief (Form DT-Individual)
Thank you -
RE: Trading allowance
Hi Greg S
This forum is for guidance only and you should use the online tool to ascertain your own position - Check if you need to tell HMRC about additional income
Thank you -
RE: ISA - transfer and open