HMRC Admin 5 Response
RE: Higher Rate Tax Relief On Pension Contributions Self assessment
It would be the grossed up pension contribution figure that you would deduct. Further details on adjusted net income at Personal Allowances: adjusted net income
Thank you -
RE: Change of name
You can amend your name on your Personal Tax Account- select ‘Your profile’ on the PTA Landing page:
select ‘Change’ under Full Name section
select ‘Start Now’ button on next screen to complete form to advise of change
select change of name on next screen
select save and continue
complete all fields required on next screen
select 'save and continue'
complete all fields required on next screen
select ‘save and continue’
complete all fields required on next screen
select ‘‘save and continue’’
check entries on next screen
select 'save and continue'
complete declaration
select confirm and send – a notification giving submission reference will then be provided.
Thank you -
RE: Pension Tax Relief - one-off contribution to company pension scheme
If you submit a Self Assessment you can claim the relief when you complete the tax return. If you are wanting to claim during the current 2023/24 tax year as the contribution is over £10,000 then you will need to send a letter and include evidence from your pension provider of payments made this tax year.
You will also need to confirm whether the amounts included are gross (before tax) or net (after tax). Send your letter to:
Pay As You Earn and Self Assessment,
HM Revenue and Customs,
BX9 1AS,
United Kingdom.
If claimed during the tax year would receive relief through adjustment in your tax code. If claimed through Self Assessment repayment as requested on tax return.
Thanks -
If you have not yet received the UTR then you will need to contact HMRC to review Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you -
RE: self-assessment
Hi Saul
If you complete a Self Assessment tax return you will need to include the untaxed bank interest details.
The banks and building socieites do send the details to HMRC and if not in Self Assessment we will review your record after the tax year end, but, if in Self Assessment you do need to declare the savings details.
Thank you -
RE: SIPP Contributions
It would be your gross salary figure. You would not deduct the employers contributions, it would be the figure on your personal tax account.