HMRC Admin 10 Response
RE: Overseas annuity plan
Yes this would be acceptable. -
RE Self-assessment for earnings pre and post Ltd company incorporation
The £680 is below the trading allowance so you would not need to include this for 23/24. -
RE UK/Italy Double Taxation Relief
Both the treaty and DT10153 are very specific and have not classed this as an admissable tax. You would need to provide evidence that this is in fact a witholding tax for it to be allowed under Article 2. -
RE Self Assessment Business Name
You can change the business name to anything you want. -
RE CGT: inherited partial property and recently sold in Hong Kong
You have not given enough information for this to be answered. Please telephone 0300 200 3310 for specifics. -
RE: How to for Letter of Confirmation of Fiscal Residence ( not certificate)
That is for policy to determine and cannot be answered on this forum. -
RE: Working Hours
HMRC wouldnt comment on that you may have to speak to department which sets out those rules, I'm sorry I'm not able to advise you what this is as this is outside the remit of this forum. -
RE: Start of Mat leave
The employee can work past this date and the AWEs would not be recalculated. -
RE UK VAT Liability vs EU Liability - Educational Services
The important aspect to establish in your supply is whether your supply is one of education or one of providing digital services.
Please see the guidance below:
Where performed services: education services
The above guidance states that if you provide your education services from the UK to a customer in another country then the services aren't classed as ' where perrormed services' for the Place of Supply Rules.
If you are providing non digital services of education to consumers in other countries then this would normally be Outside The Scope of VAT.
Please see the guidance below:
B2C services of a professional, technical, financial, intellectual or other intangible nature supplied to customers outside the UK
However if you are providing digital services to consumers in other countries then there would be an obligation to either register for VAT in the EU countries where your consumers belong or to register for Non-Union VAT MOSS scheme in an EU member state.
Please see the guidance below:
Defining digital services
Place of supply of educational services
The place of supply of digital services -
RE Paying/submitting UK VAT return from Ireland
If you have made no UK taxable supplies in the UK then you would need to report this as nil on your UK Vat return.
As an overseas company you would still have an obligation to use Making Tax Digital software to complete this return.
Please see the guidance below:
Find software that's compatible with Making Tax Digital for VAT