HMRC Admin 8 Response
Re:Offset foreign capital gains loss against income
These capital losses can only be set against future capital gains.
Thankyou. -
Re:Auto Enrolment Pension Tax Relief
No relief is due on employer contributions and these should not be claimed.
Thankyou. -
Re: Point of disposal question for property
Any gain arising on a property owned as tenants in common will be allocated and taxed according to each owners share.
If this was the situation when the property was purchsed then you will have no gain/loss to report.
Thankyou. -
Re:Not sure wether I have to pay tax or not
If you are due to file a 2022/23 Self Assessment then yes you would still need to file the tax return and if a late filing penalty is charged.
You can appeal:
Check when to appeal a Self Assessment penalty for late filing or late payment
For assistance contact HMRC:
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thankyou. -
Re:Balancing payment due
Re: Next years tax code includes pension income
It's possible that your some of your allowances have been allocated to cover the minimal amounts of personal pension you expect to withdraw.
In order for us to check this, and amend your tax code to what it should be, please contact us by webchat or phone via:
Income Tax: general enquiries
Re:How to manage someone's tax account online as Power of Attorney
If you need to register for Self Assessment for property income then you are not self employed:
Register for Self Assessment if you are not self-employedso you can submit the SA1 registration.
If your mother is already registered as self employed she would not need to register agian.
To update the record with the new address and power of attorney you need to send the orginial or certified copy with a covering letter to
Self Assessment & PAYE, BX9 1AS UK
Thankyou. -
Re:Refund received after my contract is finished
If you have an online account:
Personal tax account: sign in or set up you should be able to view the details of the repayment.
Alternatively if you contact HMRC we can check this for you:
Income Tax: general enquiries
Thankyou -
Re: Income Tax on Second Pension
If you have an online account:
Personal tax account: sign in or set up you can update your income details to amend the tax codes, otherwise, if you contact HMRC we can review/update your tax code:
Income Tax: general enquiries