HMRC Admin 8 Response
Re:Missing contributions for 2 years working in Italy
The social security that you paid in Italy, does not count towards your UK National Insurance records. You may be eligible to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions to fill those missing years.
Further information and details on how to apply can be found here:
Social Security abroad: NI38
However, you may have enough qualifying years without the need to fill those missing years.
You should always check with the Department for Work and Pensions before paying voluntary National Insurance contributions, you can contact them on 0800 731 0175 lines are open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
Thank you -
Re:Two NIC calculation and refund
Customers who have two or more employments in a tax year should receive a form CA4361 via post inviting you to claim a refund of any overpaid NICs.
You then have an option to contact our NI Enquiry line with the details and assuming all the details you have match what we hold on the system, we can then arrange for a Faster Payment into your Bank Account.
If there are any differences you will be asked to complete and return the form CA4361 for us to investigate.
Employers are not involved in this process.
Thank you. -
Re:Your record for this year is not available yet
The 22/23 tax year will show as Not available yet as the system allows until October following the end of a tax year for full processing of that year’s NICs and Credits.
Our automatic Statements and PTA will therefore not show information if the year is Full or available to pay until October.
If you want confirmation of your NI record for the 22/23 tax yr and are abroad, you can contact our Centre for Non Residents Helpline on +44 1912037010, Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm.
As the International Pension Centre is part of DWP, I cannot advise when you could expect a reply to your online enquiry form to them.
Thank you.
" -
Re: State Pension and how to record on self assessment tax form
You should calculate the number of weeks up to the end of the tax year and using the weekly rate.
Once you submit the return HMRC systems will calculate the amount and we will adjust the return is necessary.
Thank you. -
Re:Registering as a sole trader
You would register as Self-Employed, the UTR will stay the same.
If you have been unable to register contact us online using 'Ask HMRC Online' and ask to speak with an adviser:
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you. -
Re:Tax on interest
HMRC will issue you a calculation if there is any tax due. You will need to complete a tax return if the Interest reaches £10,000 a year.
Thank you. -
Re:Self-employed - business details
You would do this when you complete the first tax return.
Thank you. -
Re:Confirm ID through documentation
Re:register self-assessment rejected
You will need to contact us by Webchat using 'ask HMRC Online' and asking to speak with an adviser.
This will put you in the queue for Webchat:
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you -
Re: EV Car Benefit / Fuel Benefit
If you complete the form again do it without fuel.
Thank you.