RE: Tax on foreign pension lump sum for UK resident
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RE: Pension and tax refund
Sorry, and thank you
Feedback . -
RE: Pension and tax refund
I am Spanish Resident and I am now entitled to a tax refund for tax paid at emergency code. In order to receive the tax refund on line I have to nominate another person. However, it states "UK bank account" and my mums bank is Nat West, but (in Jersey) due to Brexit would this be acceptable or do I need to nominate another person? -
RE: How to Pay Voluntary National Insurance Contributions from Abroad
Hi The link you have quotes states "if you live or work abroad temporarily" and I live abroad permanately So please confirm how I can pay the national insurance voluntary contributions class 2 Thanks -
RE: How to Pay Voluntary National Insurance Contributions from Abroad
Hi, Many thanks for your reply how to pay national insurance class 2 (voluntary) but I am resident and work abroad so the link that you have sent me does not apply to me. Please confirm how I can make a payment from a "non-uk bank account" Thanks -
RE: Mechanism for paying class 2 NI contributions from abroad
Hi I currently live in Spain and I do not have a english bank account can you please confirm the options available to pay class 2 national insurance contributions. -
RE: How to Pay Voluntary National Insurance Contributions from Abroad
Does the hm customs account for national insurance voluntary I.e Barclays accept sepa transfers? -
RE: How to Pay Voluntary National Insurance Contributions from Abroad
Can you please confirm how a person can pay national insurance voluntary contributions class 2 if they do not have a Uk bank account (due to Brexit) -
RE: State Pension Query.
Thanks -
RE: State Pension Query.
Hi, I am writing on behalf of my mum who is 82 and she lives in Spain. She is trying to obtain "a form" which she could complete giving details of "Change of Bank Details" Can you provide this by a link ? So I can download it and print it off for her. She has tried to ring and she has sent two letters asking for this form Thanks