HMRC Admin 17 Response
RE: Automatically reinvested dividends: how taxed
Hi ,In reply to your question
Yes .
Thank you . -
RE: Selling shares sold abroad
Hi ,
You will pay tax in the country you are tax resdient.
As UK resident, you can then claim foreign tax credit relief for the tax paid in the US .
Thank you . -
RE : Calculating CGT liability from income
Hi ,
You need to give an estimate of your icnome when reporting on the 60 day return and at the end of the year,
you then include the gain in the full tax return which is then based on your actual income.
Thank you . -
RE: Capital gains tax when property jointly owned husband/wife then only wife
Hi ,
You will be liable for your share on any increase in value - see:
Tell HMRC about Capital Gains Tax on UK property or land if you’re not a UK resident .
Thank you . -
RE: Certificate of Residence for tax purposes
Hi ,
Please refer to :
How to apply for a certificate of residence to claim tax relief abroad .
Thank you . -
RE: Paying tax on US income.
Hi ,
You will declare this as self employment income rather than foreign income .
Thank you . -
RE: Inheritance Tax on overseas shares
Hi ,
If you are UK tax resident at the time of your death, then you world wide assets count towards the value of your estate
for inheritance tax purposes.
Thank you . -
RE : Stopped Being Self Employed in November 23 Now starting Again
Hi ,
If you have started self employment again then you will need to register to reopen your Self Assessment account.
You can register online at :
Set up as a sole trader: step by step .
If unable to register online then you can contact HMRC to review :
Self Assessment: general enquiries .
Thank you . -
RE : Tax Relief If No Longer Working
Hi ,
If overpaid this will show as a credit on your Self Assessment account and you can request this repaid.
Thank you . -
RE : SA108 form and PRR correct completion?
Hi ,
Box 5 is allowable costs.
Your PPR deductions should be included in this value, so that box 6 (gains in the year before losses) would be nil
(box 4 minus box 5 = box 6).
As there is no tax payable, boxes 52.1 to 52.5 would be blank .
Thank you .