HMRC Admin 8 Response
Re:Tax on Settlement Agreement
When you’re leaving a job, whatever payments the company makes to you are called “Termination Payments” by HMRC, regardless of whether they are redundancy payments, compensation for unfair dismissal, pay in lieu of notice (commonly abbreviated to PILON), holiday pay, or simply any wages owed.
As long as the payment is made because your employment is being terminated, for whatever reason, then the tax laws covering Termination Payments will apply:
Tax on termination payments
Whether you are entitled to the first £30000 tax free, will depend on how the settlement agreement is made up.
Thank you. -
Re:UK Tax Resident Being Taxed At-Source in Australia
If you have paid tax on the income in Australia and the income is also taxable in the UK, then you may be able to claim up to 100% credit for the tax paid in Australia. This will depend on the type of income.
Your UK liability is calculated including your overseas income. If the UK tax payable on the overseas income is equal to or greater than the tax paid overseas, then the credit may be 100% of the tax paid.
If the UK tax on the overseas income is less than the Overseas tax, you can only claim a credit to cover the UK tax on this income.
Dividends are treated differently, as only up to treaty rate of the overseas tax paid, can be claimed as a credit:
Double Taxation Relief Manual
Thank you.
" -
Re:Life insurance gains declaration
If relief at source is not given on this payment by the pension provider, you would declare the pension payment in box 2, so that full tax relief can be given.
Thank you. -
Re:Life insurance gains declaration
Please refer to Helpsheet HS321 for full guidance on how HMRC treats foreign Chargeable Event Gains (which fall into a number of sub-categories). Residence, remittance basis etc notes
If the policy provider has given you a chargeable event certificate, you would show the figures in box 43 and the number of year the policy was held.
Thank you. -
Re:Not receiving Activation Code for Corporate Tax
You will need to call Online Services helpdesk on 0300 200 3600 & press the option for Corporation tax to speak to an adviser, alternatively they can contact the helpdesk via webchat using the Online option here Technical support with HMRC online services
Thank you -
Re:Claim back voluntary NI contributions made prior to deadline extension?
Conditions for receiving the State Pension have changed since April 2016. Customers should make sure that they will benefit before deciding to pay voluntary Class 3 contributions for future years or make up the gap in their NICs.
You will need to provide confirmation from the Department for Work and pensions that these years will not increase their state pension entitlement.
All requests for refunds must be in writing:
PT Operations North East England
HM Revenue and Customs
Please note that:
• Once you have made a request for a refund you will not be able to withdraw it.
• If you receive a refund you will not be able to pay this year again in the future.
The latest information is available at:
Voluntary National Insurance
Thank you.
Re:VAT on solar installs as a subcontractor
If you are installing solar panel installations in to new residential premises then the supply and installation can be zero rated if the criteria is met below:
Zero rating the construction of new buildings
The VAT meaning of ‘building materials
If you are supplying energy saving materials in to commercial premises then these will always be charged at the VAT rate of 20%
If you are supplying in to existing residential premises then this would be charged at the VAT rate of 0% if the conditions are met below:
If VAT is applicable and you are working as a sub contractor to a contractor then this would normally be subject to the reverse charge.
Please see the flow diagram below:
Thank you. -
Re:Invalid UK Vat Number - On-going Issue
We apologise that you are having such difficulty with the VAT checker issue:
Check a UK VAT number — service availability and issues
HMRC are aware of the issue and are investigating this as a priority.
Please call our Helplne on 03002003700 so that we can take your VAT number and refer this over to the Team responsible for resolving this issue.
Thank you. -
Re:Services invoiced to USA delivered throughout UK/EU - VAT?
If you are providing 'General rule services' and the business customer belongs overseas then the supply will be Outside the Scop of VAT.
Please see the guidance below:
Thank you. -
Re:Paying VAT on the purchase of a commercial property
If you incur VAT on a property from which you use to make taxable supplies then you have an entitement to revover the VAT as your input tax.
The amount claimed in a period will be the the VAT incurred minus the out put tax charged in the period:
Please see the guidance below:
Introduction to input tax
Thank you.