HMRC Admin 8 Response
Re:High Income Child Benefit Charge - Tax Code Change
Your current code will be adjusted to collect the HICBC for the 2023/24 tax year so that when you submit your 2023/24 tax return there should not be a large balance to pay.
The balance from 2022/23 £466 will be collected in your 2024/25 code. If you do not want the HICBC collected in your 2023/24 code and would rather pay at the tax year end through your Self Assessment you can contact HMRC to amend your current code:
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you. -
Re:Personal Income Tax
As a non domicile, please refer to:
Paying tax on the remittance basis (Self Assessment helpsheet HS264
Thank you. -
Re:LLP - Non-Resident Partners
No that is correct, however, you still need to register and reply to the letter that would be issued asking for clarification as per the previous reply before we can issue a definitive reply on whether a return was in fact required or not.
Thank you. -
Re:Professional witness allowance
If the payment for appearing as a professional witness has come to you by way of your profession then it's likely that this would be classed as a professional trading receipt. if no tax has been deducted on the income, you would include this as part of your self employment turnover.
If tax has been deducted, then yes you need to show it as foreign income to claim foreign tax credit relief.
Thank you. -
Re:Dividend Withholding Tax
Hi Puddle Splash,
That is correct.
Thank you. -
Re: Inaccessible page link
The link opens correctly and is not a dummy page.
Thank you. -
Re:Chargeable Event Certificate and General Investment Account
The value of the event would be your share and you also declare the number of years. for the general investment account, if this is a normal savings account, you will declare as interest. if it is a 'trading' account for shares etc, this will be a capital gain.
Thank you. -
RE: No reply to Individual Carers credit and missing NI and posted at the start of August
We are sorry but we do not have very much information about your query, but we note that you appear to have sent us a letter at the start of August 2023 and have not yet had a reply.
If you are asking about paying voluntary National Insurance contributions for any tax year from 2006-2007.
We can confirm that you will have until 5 April 2025 for us to receive your payment. If you reach State Pension Age before that date then it may be beneficial for you if we receive your payment before then.
If you could speak with our National Insurance Helpline on 0300 200 3500 they will be able to make sure that they have received your letter and give you a date as to when you can expect a reply.
Thank you.
Re:UK State Pension for multi national
There should be a link to take you to your National Insurance account which will show all the amounts of contributions that you’ve paid or been credited with.
On this screen it will also show any tax years that are not full and that you could pay some voluntary contributions for.
You may like to think about paying some voluntary contributions if you have not already have a full pension entitlement.
Information about doing this is available via:
Apply to pay voluntary Class 3 National Insurance contributions
but you should check with Future Pension Centre before doing this to ensure that it is worthwhile to pay.
It is not, unfortunately, possible to start receiving your State Pension before you reach State Pension Age.
About 3 months before you reach State Pension Age, The Pension Service will contact you to arrange for this to be set up.
Thank you. -
Re:Do I need to pay the Class 2 NI per letter?
Although your earnings are below the threshold to be automatically paying Class 2 Self employed NICs, you may wish to consider paying them voluntarily as they count towards your state pension and certain other benefits when you claim them.
We are unable to advise whether you must pay these NICs as I am unable to advise on individual cases via this forum, if you require more help you can find more information on the website or by telephone the Self employed helpline on 0300 200 3500 and speaking to one of our advisors about this.
Thank you.