HMRC Admin 10 Response
RE: Savings Interest below allowance
Thankyou. -
RE: Overseas Property Sale under the Tax Treaty
You will still need to declare the sale/gain in the UK.
However, foreign tax credit relief can be given in respect of the Japanese taxpaid.
This is limited to the amount of UK tax that is applicable to this source of income.
When completing the return you will show all your income.
For the capital losses, if they occured this year, they must be shown in the return and used the same year, even before the annual exempt amount for capital gains.
If they are from a previus year, as long as HMRC have been notified of them within 4 years of them arising, you can choose to use them this year or carry forward. -
RE: dividend tax calculations
The online calculator does not have an option to include dividends.
You are correct you would be entitled to the £1000 Dividend allowance.
Your calculation is correct. -
RE: Turn around time for CGT Forms sent by post
If HMRC receive the paper capital gains return within 60 days of the completion date, there will not be a late filing penalty.
When my colleague manually processes your paper return, they will generate a repayment reference number and will write to you, to advise you of the payment reference number.
You will have 30 days from the date the reference number is created for the tax to be paid, in order to avoid penalties and interest. -
RE:Nrl1 form no response
Once the record has been setup and return requested, you will have 3 months and 7 days to complete the return before a late filing penalty would be charged. -
RE: Do Not Receive the UTR Number Yet
Hi wall40ling
If you click on 'Ask HMRC Online' and request to speak to an adviser you will be put into the queue for Webchat and we will check the latest timescales.
Self Assessment: general enquiries