HMRC Admin 21 Response
Re:Which kind of tax should be reported for US Treasury Bill
US government bonds, sometimes known as T-bills or treasury bills are generally taxed as income rather than capital gains. The return is paid at maturity rather than regular interest payments. In the UK, these are known as deeply discounted securities, with the discount being the difference between the price at which they were issued and the price received at maturity. On a foreign investment the income is the difference between the purchase and redemption price after each has been converted to sterling on the day the transactions took place, so includes any foreign exchange gains. Losses cannot be deducted.
Have a look at Savings and Investment Manual for more information.
Thank you.
Re:PAYE Activation code
Hi Emily Lau,
Please call the Online Services Helpdesk on 0300 200 3600 for assistance.
Thank you. -
Re:Certificate of residence in the UK
Hi Daniela Amor
A certificate of residence is issued in cases where there is a tax treaty between the UK and the other country and the tax treaty covers the income / capital gain arising in the other country. In situations where there is a tax treaty between the UK and the other country and no overseas income exists, we can issue a letter of confirmation of residence. This is agreed with each country there is a treaty with. In situations where the other country are rejecting this agreed process, we would require you to submit a copy of the letter from the other country stating that they will not accept the letter of confirmation of residence. We have a specialist department, who would liaise with the Portuguese tax authorities in an attempt to find a solution to satisfy both countries. If the letter is not in English, you do not need to arranged for it to be translated, HMRC will do this. You should send the rejection letter to H.M. Revenue and Customs Pay As You Earn BX9 1AS.
Thank you. -
Re:Is a SIPP a qualifying pension for Individual DT Tax Refund?
Hi Hugh Rhodes,
Article 18 of the UK / France tax treaty gives full relief on UK pensions being paid to a resident of France. The pension will be taxed initially, until we receive a validated DT individual UK / France, which can be downloaded at Application to claim relief at source from UK Income Tax and repayment of UK Income Tax. You should complete the form, declaring all the pension you are receiving, including state pension (if appropriate) and send the signed and dated form to your local tax office in France. The French tax authorities will validate the form, confirming the pensions are taxable in France and sent the validated form to you, so that you can forward to HMRC at the address on the front page of the form. From this, we can arrange for your pension provider to stop deducting tax and repay and tax deducted in the current tax year.
Thank you.
Re:How to pay Voluntary contributions to fill gaps
Hi Michel Raymond,
Your employer, in conjunction with the pension provider, will advice you on how they will address this situation. You can contact the pensions regulator if you have concerns about the way your employer is dealing with automatic enrolment ( You can also contact money helper ( who may be able to help you.
Thank you.