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  • RE: High Income Child Benefit Charge Self Assessment Query

    Hi SCM00001,
    That is correct, just show on the employment section.
    Thank you.
  • RE: Transferring personal money to UK

    Hi Geoff Craig,
    Based on the information given, and assuming that the sales of shares, divs received etc have been returned as appropriate, and the relevant calculations for acquisition and disposal of the assets through the account have been made in sterling as per CG78310 - Foreign currency: assets acquired or sold for currency, then the actual holding of a personal foreign currency bank account would be treated as a simple debt in line with CG78321 - Foreign currency: foreign currency bank accounts - periods from 6 April 2012 and so the conversion of funds of this into sterling would not in itself give rise to a chargeable gain or loss.
    Thank you.
  • RE: Interest charged by HMRC owing to their delays?

    Hi Sheffield Park,
    I apologise for the delay in the reply to your letter.
    If a Self Assessment is needed and once processed interest is charged then you can object to the interest charges once the balance the interest is charged on has been paid in full.
    You can object in writing to
    Self Assessment & PAYE,
    BX9 1AS
    Thank you.
  • RE: Tax on state pension and work pensions in the first year of retirement

    Hi cipgp Pringle,
    As the state pension starts part way through the tax year we will be collecting the tax over a shorter period so it would be a different amount than the actual state pension that is collected in the code.
    If the source of income the code is used by is monthly pay then each month we would deduct 1/12 of the amount in the code.
    For the amount in the code if you calculate 20% if you are a basic rate taxpayer and divide by 12 this will give the monthly tax paid.
    If you multiply this by the months in the tax year that the code will be operated this will be the same tax if you work out the actual state pension received at 20%. 
    Thank you.
  • RE: Not able to update phone number

    Hi TB1983,
    If you are unable to self serve online to reset your phone number you will need to contact our Online Heldesk for assistance, security will need
    to be completed before the number can be reset.
    Technical support with HMRC online services
    Thank you,.
  • RE: State Pension Contributions Living Abroad

    Hi Francis Bruysels,
    The applications to pay voluntary contributions to the UK - form CF83 timescales are currently at 40 weeks, we are working cases from 18th February 2023 at present for EU countries.
    If we received your letter on 01/06/2023 and expected reply date us 07/03/2024.
    You can check the current timescales on for your application going forward until we issue a response inviting you to make payments that will enhance your pension.
    Check when you can expect a reply from HMRC
    However, if you are at 6 months to your state pension date and beyond that to state retirement, please call the Department for work and Pensions International pension centre as below and they will discuss all aspects of your application going forward.
    State Pension claims and enquiries from people living outside the UK.
    Number - +44 (0) 191 218 7777
    Fax - +44 191 218 7021
    International Pension Centre
    The Pension Service
    11 Mail Handling Service A
    WV98 1LW
    Open - 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday, closed bank holidays and weekends
    Thank you.
  • RE: State Pension Contributions Living Abroad

    Hi fluffymorson Middleton.
    A reciprocal agreement between countries means that any tax years in each country may be considered when you apply for state benefits, they are not transferable.
    The form CA93A was a guidance booklet for deciding to pay voluntary contributions but circumstances can dictate the way forward.
    The process to pay voluntary contributions for non-UK years is different, that was covered in a small paragraph within that booklet. The booklet information is now located on -
    Voluntary National Insurance Gaps in your National Insurance record
    The process to pay for tax years when you are not living in the UK requires HMRC to asses you via a CF83 application to pay voluntary contributions from abroad -
    Social Security abroad: NI38
    Please read the booklet NI38 on the link, then you will need to decide based on your criteria which class rate of National insurance you wish to apply for. Once assessed we will write back to you inviting you to pay tax years and the amounts.
    I would also recommend contacting the New Zealand government regarding your potential pension within that state to see if you are eligible for that countries state pension equivalent.
    Before you apply to pay voluntary, first please contact the Department for Work and Pension International Pension centre, they will advise you regarding your state pension and any reciprocal agreement with New Zealand being included. If the years are not included, then they will also advise you if these years would increase your UK state pension if paid voluntarily as some old tax years do not boost a pension as more recent years.
    State Pension claims and enquiries from people living outside the UK.
    Number - +44 (0) 191 218 7777
    Fax - +44 191 218 7021
    International Pension Centre
    The Pension Service
    11 Mail Handling Service A
    WV98 1LW
    Open - 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday, closed bank holidays and weekends
    Thank you.

  • RE: Bonus Pension Salary Sacrifice contribution date & tax year

    Hi Valuables3019,
    The payslip date.
    Thank you.