HMRC Admin 13 Response
RE: Reduced state pension voluntary payments if working overseas
Hi SwissTony25
Please see the guidance at Voluntary National Insurance: Overview.
If you have any queries relating to this please the use the contact details at National Insurance: general enquiries.
Thank you.
RE: Allocated Income to Personal Account instead of SA
Hi Chris Mansell
The income you have included in your current code number for 2024/2025 is an estimate of income for this year and would be reported in your 2024/2025 tax return..
The income you include in your 2023/2024 tax return is actual income received in 2023/2024
Please ensure that your tax record for Self Employment is linked to your PAYE account.
You can do this by using the options at Contact HMRC including requesting that the estimated 2024/2025 income is removed from your current tax code for this year and next.
You can also find out information, along with progress of your form/payments credited by creating accounts in:
• your personal tax account
• the official HMRC app
Thank you
RE: Informing HMRC of reduced Adjusted Net income as PAYE
Hi James Vassallo
You can check, the guidance, if you should complete a tax return at Check if you need to send a Self Assessment tax return.
Guidance is also available at Tax on your private pension contributions: Tax relief.
Thank you
RE: CGT on US stock holding
Hi J 123
You will only be liable if you receive dividends from the shares or if you sell them at a gain.
Thank you
RE: Does youtube income count as foreign income
Hi PaulC777
Yes - if not paid in sterling it is foreign income
Thank you -
RE: Withholding tax of foreign dividend-Foreign Tax Credit Relief
You declare the full £100 if doing so
Thank you -
RE: How to declare wages from a foreign employer in self asessment
Hi KB60ST Bongs
As tax is paid abroad, you will show it as UK employment but declare the income only.
You would then show it again on the foreign section in order to claim foreign tax credit relief for the tax paid.
Thank you
RE: Taxed Salary Amount from India to UK - Tax Implications
Hi Srishti
Please see guidance at Paying tax on the remittance basis (Self Assessment helpsheet HS264).
Thank you
RE: Self-employment
RE: Capital Gains on an asset acquired over time
Hi Vector Boson
Please see the guidance at:
Shares and Capital Gains Tax (Self Assessment helpsheet HS284) and in particular the S104 holding example
Thank you.